Getting Over Trauma Faster Could Pain be Optional?

Is there an appropriate amount of grief to endure before we skip it across the lake like a rock and move on?

Christopher Boswell
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

The paradox of trauma is that it has both the power to destroy and the power to transform and resurrect. — Peter A. Levine

Loss of Data

Today, my pinky finger hit some unknown key on the side of my laptop keyboard and all my writing vanished. The energy could be felt draining down out of my body.

Knowing I had to re-write the article I set out to do just that, but couldn't find the energy to begin.

I had to grieve first and that got me thinking. Do I really need to hold onto any of this trauma?

The answer apparently is yes. Shaking it off, I finished several other articles but left the infected one, untouched. There is an anger and disappointment there that can be ignored as long a I’m not looking at the loss.

I’ll go back and finish it AGAIN, at some point, who knows when. Maybe later tonight, possibly after finishing this article inspired by the loss. Hmm?

“Maybe after finishing this article inspired by the loss.”



Christopher Boswell
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Owner | Creator | Photographer | Writer | Risk Taker | Arranging text & images for fun. CREATIVITY saved my life!