Good Bye, Imposter Syndrome!

My Journey of Moving Past It (Day #34: 100 Happy Days)

Purvee Chauhan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Picture of a bird in the blue sky: Photography by the Author

My First Experience with Imposter Syndrome

I met Emma for the first time in an upscale and bustling café of New York City two years ago. My fiancé, Sid, arranged a meeting with her to get guidance on his job search, and I gladly accompanied him since we planned to go to watch Broadway right after. Sid introduced his boss as a forward-thinker, a well-informed and knowledgeable individual. Just as I took my cup of latté and decided to get a seat, Emma sensed my urgency and offered to sit along with them. Sid was pleasantly surprised and before they could initiate the informational interview, Emma said — “Oh, so Sid mentioned that you have moved from India only a couple of days ago. Welcome! Hope you are feeling comfortable and beginning to settle.” To the warmth I immediately responded — “Thank you! It’s so kind of you to ask. I am a little home sick but am excited for my graduate program to begin in another week.”

E — Oh wow! So, what are you studying?

P — I am going to study ‘educational technology and innovation’ at Harvard.

E — You said you are going to Harvard? What certificate program is it?



Purvee Chauhan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince