Gracious Compliments

We need to give them out and learn to receive them appropriately

K. Scarborough
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Shiny Diamond from Pexels

Why is it that women have such a hard time receiving compliments and responding appropriately?

I read a fantastic story by @lucia-landini called “What I Have Learned From Giving Compliments To Women I Never Met Before” on this very subject, and it reminded me of an interesting experience I had.

I was living in Washington D.C. I hadn’t made many friends yet, so I was out shopping at a bookstore by myself. As I went to leave the bookstore, a glamorous woman who looked to be close to my age opened the door as she was entering the store, and held it open so that I could exit — but as she did so, she said with an open and refreshing smile on her face “You are BEAUTIFUL!”

First of all, SHE was beautiful. She was well-dressed without oozing “money.” She had zero expectations of how I would receive this compliment. She wasn’t fishing for a compliment herself … and she was a supremely confident woman. She merely gave this compliment to me, smiled broadly, and was on her way.

Secondly, I was NOT beautiful, or especially well-dressed, or young. The most that I can say for myself on that day was that I had made an “effort” and may have been wearing a particularly nice top … but that was it. Nothing special. The…



K. Scarborough
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I’m interested in YOU. And a few other people. But definitely YOU. And dogs. Dogs are always interesting. But mostly YOU.