Gratitude Can Change Your Life

Here’s how it changed mine.

Phyllis Romero
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

Many of us are pessimists and skeptics by nature. I get that. I’ve been there. With so much negativity in the world, it can be hard not to be. Sometimes we find ourselves just surviving rather than thriving, and gratitude becomes an afterthought.

All too often, we base our happiness and gratitude on our circumstances.

If I get healthier.

If I lose the weight.

If I make enough money.

If I get the job.

If this person will love me.


How often do we think if we’re skinnier, better looking, have a nicer house, get a promotion, have a happier marriage, then, we’ll be happier?

The truth is that if we can’t find happiness and be grateful in the small things in life, chances are we won’t find it in the larger things either.

I wasted a lot of my life feeling this way. I’ve had many years of illness and struggling financially. I’ve also gained a lot of weight.

For so long, I allowed my happiness to be conditional.



Phyllis Romero
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Freelance Writer, Armchair Psychologist, Philosopher, Upcoming Author, Nature Lover, People Lover.