Heal Your Heart and Mind With the Best “I Am” Affirmations

Studies show affirmations can positively impact depression, self-esteem, and other mental health conditions

Sandra Pawula
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Notebook with “I am” affirmations
Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

What are “I am” affirmations? How do they work?

“I am” affirmations are short, positive statements you can repeat to reverse false unconscious or semi-conscious beliefs you hold about your most essential self.

“I am” affirmations work because your mind will believe whatever you tell it repeatedly.

Each time you repeat the same thought, the neural pathway for that particular message grows stronger. With repetition, in time, the neurons on that pathway begin to fire faster and faster, until the belief becomes automatic, along with its associated emotions and behaviors.

This explains how we develop false beliefs about ourselves as children.

Let’s say you had one or more interactions with a parent in which you felt shame. In response, you may have made up a story about yourself like, “I’m not lovable.” Or maybe you told yourself, “This is what happens if I make a mistake. I’ll never make a mistake again. I must be perfect.”

If you continued to repeat that story to yourself, it may have come to feel like an inescapable…



Sandra Pawula
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Essays to calm your mind, ease your heart and access your inner wisdom. I love Hawaii, mindfulness, and living with ease. https://sandrapawula.substack.com/