Healing Is Like Cleaning: 4 Tips to Start Now
Ever since I can remember, I’ve been trying to be a more organized, less messy person. It’s not like I never cleaned up; I did, but I always struggled to keep things organized.
No matter how hard I tried, things would get messy again. It was almost as if I subconsciously preferred a bit of mess because that’s what I was used to.
Everything changed once I became a mother. The first messy, beautiful year of motherhood made me grow up in ways I hadn’t expected. Until I had Levi I was still acting like a teenager — just having fun.
Becoming a parent transforms you into this whole other being who can do all the hard things the teenager couldn’t.
Ironically, living with a toddler, my home is more organized than ever.
That’s when I realized the steps I took to create an organized home were the same ones I took to heal myself.
Here are 4 tips to start your journey towards healing and/or an organized life.
Cleaning/Healing is about mindset — change your thoughts, change your life
The grown adult version of me has a different identity.
She is not living in a mess she is living in a clean and organized home.