Help People Succeed

Be a Giver

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readJan 18, 2021


One way or the other, we all seek fulfillment. And getting fulfillment from your craft happens when you’re seeing how it positively affects the next person.

We’re like mirrors that receive what we give. If we’re able to make the next person’s life good, we, too, will feel good. It’s that simple.

The fact that people consume your content already puts you in the position of being a light to people. Sometimes, I write and it feels like would people even listen to what I’ve said? But when I started to get emails from people talking about how the content I put out has helped them one way or the other, it gave me the confidence to keep putting out more articles.

I had to keep convincing myself each time I didn’t feel like writing, that there’s someone out there who needs what I have to share. And me holding it is just robbing the person of the value.

Just like the parable of the servant in the bible whose master gave him talents, and he buried them and returned them to the master when he came back from his journey. That’s the same way God looks at us when we don’t use our gifts to help others in their respective journeys.

Sometimes, I see life in general as traveling through a desert. And you know how every drop of water you can get is necessary. That’s the same way your knowledge is helpful to the next person.

You may not see it that way, but every helpful information you give out will help someone on their journey.

Although some people may not need the water you have to offer, but it won’t be the same for other people on the journey.

So, stop keeping what you know to yourself. Rather, use it to help make the next person’s life better. And your life too will get better.

