Here’s Exactly How To Predict the Future

Agash Arulanantham
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
8 min readApr 19, 2022

This story is not clickbait… But there are some prerequisites we will have to go through

We are primarily going to be using Logic rather than Emotions or prophecies which are more superficial and not backed up by logic

Photo by Ravi Kumar on Unsplash

So questions such as:

“Can you predict if I will get back together with my ex in the future…”

“Can you predict what my kid’s name is going to be…”

I’m sorry but I’m not a genie lol

Now back to the topic of leveraging Logic, you may have been subconsciously creating your own future predictions at a smaller scale

I know for myself whenever I would Scooby-Doo back in the day, the reason why you would end up watching through the whole thing was simply because of that one big question

“Who’s behind the mask?”

You would think that it is that one guy who has been acting very peculiar since the start of the show. But as soon as the bad guy reveals himself, it would always be that sly character who made like 2 appearances on the show

So in this case, we are given subtle clues and variables to work with throughout the show, but not quite enough for us to truly figure it out because we don’t have access to the full picture which is only revealed to us at the end of the show-

This is an example of predicting using a Sequential Pattern, which I will get into more detail now

Two Types of Prediction Patterns?


One way to predict the future is to look at it as a sequence of events, similar to the Scooby-Doo shows

Many parts of our lives move forward in a consistent way we prefer to move into the future rather than loop back or go backwards. In other words, Sequential patterns do not like to reverse

This is true for many technological innovations such as our phones. Can you imagine giving up your phone right now for a Nokia Brick?

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

Maybe if you were a crack dealer then sure, but for the average person I didn’t think so lol

Another example is the development of phones, as they will continue to develop into the future, from simply talking on a landline to becoming handheld computer that is wireless with cameras and video capability

So, what do you think will come next? Just sit there right now and think about this. Who could have predicted the power we now hold in our hands 30 years ago? I know for sure I couldn’t have. So now Imagine 30 years from now!

The same is true with everything in life; something will come next


The other way to predict the future is with Cycles, which are common in life, and we tend to repeat the same cycle continuously

A great example for me was when I would be consistently Working Out, Eating Healthy and Following a Good Structured Programme to build muscle

Now you rinse and repeat, day after day, year after year, decade after decade… you are bound to build a muscular body- why wouldn’t you? All the variables and Habits are being controlled to a tee

Fewer variables increase the accuracy of the prediction. And I think we can all agree that, if I decided to include more variables

E.g. alcohol and eating junk food now logically that image of building that body seems much more certain, doesn’t it?

Of course, this is a simple example of a cycle, but of course, other areas of life aren’t simply black and white

Two Main Factors in Predicting

The largest influences on the accuracy of forecasting the future are in two factors we have briefly touched on.

The first is the number of variables. As stated, the greater the number of variables, the lower the potential accuracy of the prediction

The second factor that can significantly influence a prediction is time

The further away you attempt to predict something in the future, the greater the chance you will get it wrong

So, does that mean we give up? Of course not, it just means that we will have to periodically assess whether the variables have changed and make use of Constant Improvement, which brings me to my next topic…

The Entrepreneurial Forecasting

Prediction example we will use with the topic of Human Psychology:

  1. Need: Human Psychology (Herd Behaviour)
  2. Solution: The Consumer/Producer Dynamic
  3. Constant Improvement: Using data for Refinement

Some examples are: Future Investments blowing up, Climate Change, Relationships, Technological Advancements

For simplicity for our sake, we will use Human Psychology as the topic of discussion:

Essentially, I think we can agree that we can see that our generation has been played on by the likes of software developers

Especially when it comes to grabbing our attention: from Pornography to social media and Video Games

Need: Human Psychology

I think many people can relate to having an Addiction to social media. Social Media App developers have taken advantage of the fact that it is in our human biology to have Social connections with other human beings

As a result, these apps have made it easy to connect with a tonne of people across the globe which is incredible…

BUT it is also made it a substitute for a genuine human to human connection as the Apps bypass the awkwardness and time of getting to know someone when you could easier look into someone’s Instagram Profile and pictures

And unfortunately, many of us put people in these virtual social hierarchies depending on the number of followers and likes they get… it’s pretty sad if you ask me

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Even the way the app is designed for you to continue scrolling down into a bottomless pit of memes and unnecessary drama is designed in a way to create short dopamine spikes

You are constantly processing new information every millisecond which keeps you hooked on the app longer than you think like a fucking rat

Solution: The Consumer/Producer Dynamic

Here these app developers are the producers, who have created a solution to make human connections easier and bypass the potential awkwardness and fear when meeting new people

And as a result, we as consumers have been eating into this as we’ve become a generation who would much rather look at memes rather than mums talking to their own sons…

Improvement: Using Data Refinement

Now as we continue using these apps these developers see the data and refine their products. In this case, they optimise every single pixel on your screen so that you are hooked on the app for longer

Why? So, they can present their advertisements from their sponsors and basically profit off of our attention… this is very inhumane as you can imagine

Now the way I see it, matters are only going to get worse as things move into the Metaverse as Human Interactions become way more “real” in the comfort of your own home…

As you can imagine, things such as Depression, Anxiety and Real Human Interactions are only going to become rarer

And as mentioned previously, which this example uses Sequential Pattern

As Social Media has been engrained into our everyday lives I do not think we are going back to a stage when it comes to having interactions online.

Now imagine if you were someone like Mark Zuckerberg who has no ethical morals and had the sole goal to make money at the expense of exploiting the human desire for human connection, which I believe has been the driving force of our Mental health as a generation on a decline, and just overall being unsatisfied with life

Because people who have used their intellect with zero ethical morals to climb to the top have a deep understanding of human needs and how our brain is wired

This is something that will never die out mind you, so there will always be a market for this

The same thing can be said with Pornography and how I believe VR Porn is next in line as young guys are more intimacy deprived than ever

Bro people will be buying the Sexbot 3000 left and right with no value and Self-belief to go out and improve themselves

So, if you want a “Get Quick Rich” investing in VR Porn will make logical sense… but is it ethically right? Absolutely not

How To Set Yourself Up?

Remember how I mentioned that these future predictions largely depend on herd behaviour…

Yes, so if you really want a much clearer understanding of where society is heading you temporarily removed yourself from the herd

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

For me personally, I went on a dopamine detox, practice periods of semen retention and read books based on my curiosities

This may sound like one of those entrepreneurial pieces of advice, but this 100% works!

The thing here is to not buy into that consumer/producer dynamic as much as possible and become an observer of what is going on in your field of choice

And then use that extra time, attention and energy into reading books that I had a genuine curiosity for

So, for me, I started reading into Philosophy, Human Psychology and topics of Masculinity and it just hit me…

We as young men are getting weaker by the day and future relationships are going to crumble simply because many men will fail to do the work… so the way I see it, we are going to see mass Underpopulation rather than overpopulation

This has also been stated by highly intelligent people such as Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson and it is clear to see why

With Elon Musk, the same thing can be said about him having the ambitious goal of heading off to Mars, in which he explains that it will act as an insurance policy in case anything on Earth decides to go wrong, whether that is Nuclear bombs going off or Global warming

Tagging along with talking about Global warming, Greta Thunberg who was only 15 started to protest as a Climate Activist on a global scale.

This also brings up another question of whether you have the capability and genetic potential to correctly piece things together. What I mean that is the people that I have mentioned have the personality type of an INTJ

So my advice is that we are all built different and take in information differently, so I do believe it is your best to take advantage of your own genetic potential, pick a topic of your curiosity and use the techniques that I have presented above to accurately come up with a prediction.

Hopefully, you found some value in this story, thank you for reading



Agash Arulanantham
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Helping Young Men on their Self-Improvement Journey regarding Positive Masculinity, Human Psychology and Philosophy