Here’s the Fastest Way to Become the Best Version Of Yourself

Put Yourself in Environments That Bring out the Best In You

Kurtis Pykes
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image created by author using Midjourney

Becoming the best version of yourself doesn’t have to take a lifetime.

The only thing delaying your update is you.

You're getting in the way when you refuse to engage in new situations, experiences, and environments.

But this is most people…

They grow old and stop putting themselves in new contexts.

They repeat things they’ve always done.

They settle down.

This is how you age faster than you’re supposed to.

Life becomes all about staying afloat, and then you die.

Surely, that must suck.

I don’t want that for myself, nor do I want it for you.

You can become the best version of yourself…. FAST.

All you have to do is put yourself in new environments and around people who bring out the best in you.

The more strategic you are with this, the faster you’ll move toward your desired goal.

As you take on roles you’ve never done, you’ll access different facets of your personality.

