Here’s What I’d Really Tell My 21 Year Old Self Today: Have More Fun

As if your life depended on it — because one day it will.

J.R. Flaherty
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Brandon Bynum on Unsplash

Whenever I see the news feature an illegal rave, my ears prick up. Well, maybe all is not lost for this generation after all.

Over Christmas, the news showed a rave in Normandy in Western France. More than 2,500 people attended. I thought to myself, yeah, that looks very reasonable in the circumstances.

If I were 21 today, I’d trek across countries to be there myself. We’ve all spent enough time alone this year.

Hold on. One moment. What?

At the same time, I am furious. Look at all these selfish people, I say to anyone who will listen.

The rant goes on and on:

  • We are going to be in lockdown forever at this rate.
  • What makes them think they can spread the virus when we are at home doing the right thing?
  • They’ve clipped my wings, too. I can’t see my friends or family.
  • I haven’t left my area in 12 months.
  • It’s decimated our industry we’ve worked (and studied) for twenty years.
  • And yet, these kids want to have a good time?

