After Understanding This, You’ll Manifest a lot Faster

Your assumptions are ruling everything

Elizabeth Gordon
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image courtesy of Mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

If you’re a frustrated manifestor, this article is for you.

Manifestation advice is rampant. It’s everywhere — confusing our egos and blocking all the good stuff we’re trying to attract.

As a spiritual teacher, I see loads of misguided information regarding manifesting. I’ve also had enough experience to know that most advice doesn’t work because it’s not personal to you.

Here’s the basics of manifestation:

Your thoughts = an emotional signature expressed by your cells = a state of being = your vibration = what the quantum field “hears” = what you experience in the 3D.

That’s very general, but it gives you a quick snapshot.

Basically, what you believe about yourself and your life gets reflected back to you as an endless placebo effect. In essence, the universe confirms your beliefs through experiences, physical objects, and relationships.

What you consciously believe about life and yourself can vastly differ from what you SUB-consciously believe about life and yourself — and your subconscious mind runs the show.



Elizabeth Gordon
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Elizabeth Gordon is a writer, book author, and spiritual coach. IG: @elizabethgwriter Visit here: GRAB MY BOOK ON AMAZON!