Hold Your Peace or Let it Out: Balancing Sarcasm and Witty Tact

When biting words are on the tip of your tongue and you are able to think clearly enough to cease the snap, you have overcome more than most when attitude strikes.


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

There are moments when I would love to write sarcasm on social media, which would skin the darkness right out of the heart of ice-cubed soulless humans. However, I’m reminded about giving birth to the negative-based mindset is like walking with pain like a full term pregnancy and holding no child at the end. So, for a mere silver dollar’s worth of effort my soul returns my thought up into the heavens where the Almighty sees, hears, and knows all things and the way I need to move forward.

I wrote the paragraph above in 2014. It is now 2019, and I found the paragraph, and edited it since my grammar improved greatly in five years.

It pays to hold your tongue.

It does. There is a time and a place to let it all out. However, if you choose wisely, you’ll reap the benefits of rising above the one who is drawing you toward releasing the same vibes they are emitting. Do you want to stoop as low as the one who is baiting your emotional side?



Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

❤ Positive-focused Motivational Speaker❤ Writer ❤ Domestic Violence Educator @ www.advancedbehavioralchanges.org ❤ Catch the Spark❤ Counselor ❤ Relationships ❤