Holidays and Revisiting Trauma Homes

Reflections on childhood trauma and the process of healing

Tima Loku
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Luke Brugger on Unsplash

The only article I wrote on childhood trauma had an increase in readings during the holidays. I was curious. I went into stats and found that the most reads were on the 26th of December — the day after everyone connects with their family.

Most people have at least some emotional wounding related to their childhood homes and the holidays bring up these buried feelings. I, too, have mine.

I have studied trauma, lived trauma, and tried to support others who are healing from their own trauma.

However, more than any theory, it is experience that has the potential to heal us. We can know the theoretical ins and outs of our experience but struggle to practically change anything about the way our bodies and minds react to the external world.

No matter how many times you read “childhood trauma makes love difficult”, there are no actionable steps mentioned there. But you can begin with being aware of your patterns.

