How Absolute Silence Has Changed Me

Why it's so important to find the sound of silence.

Nuno Fabiao
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Absolute silence. Silence. Meditation. Running in the mountains.
Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

The ritual and the nervousness are always both the same. I check every detail before I go early to bed the night before. I wake up at 4 AM and drive 3 hours to the tallest mountain in Portugal.

I always go alone, just me and the sound of absolute silence.

When you plan to run in the mountains, there is some mandatory material that you have to read for safety. The race is an enormous stage of 54 hard kilometers to overcome the challenging mountain — it’s too easy to lose yourself there. Sometimes, you get so tired that you lose perspective of where you are and end up on a different trail by mistake.

In silence, here I go toward Serra da Estrela (The Star Mountain). In silence, with nerves on edge, I start one more journey. One more race. One more epic trip into the unknown.

Start feeling the sound of silence invading your soul.

One day, as a grown-up, some friends invited me to jog in the countryside. I immediately accepted. That was the day that changed my life forever.

In the north part of my country, there is a mountain called Gerês. It’s on the border between Portugal and Spain.



Nuno Fabiao
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write about Finance, Macro Economy, Innovation, and Crypto. Editor for The Price of Tomorrow, writer for The Startup, and DataDrivenInvestor.