How Being Bored Can Change Your Life

The Productivity of Unproductivity

Singh Bhai
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


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The last few months have been a rollercoaster for me.

I was getting things done, sure.

But I had way too much free time.

I’d stare at my wall for hours, feeling worthless.

The voice in my head wouldn’t stop:

“I should be doing something.”

“I should be working.”

“I should be moving forward.”

It was a terrible feeling.

I couldn’t bring myself to relax.

I couldn’t just… be bored.

But then, something clicked.

Boredom isn’t just about doing nothing — it’s about creating space for something amazing to happen.

Think about it.

When did you last have a brilliant idea while scrolling through social media?

Probably never.

But how about when you were just sitting there, doing nothing?

That’s it.

Childhood Creativity



Singh Bhai
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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