How Believing in the Hindu Concept of Reincarnation Can Lead To a Life Well Lived

Selfless action, freedom from attachment, and peace in the Divine Self

Daniel Esparza
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Most of us have either said or heard someone talking about karma coming back to bite them at some point in their life. Some of us even have a daily meditation practice.

These concepts are both derived from Hinduism — and more specifically the Bhagavad Gita.

Eastern thought is so underrated. Its influence is felt everywhere in the western world as is evident in the vast amount of yoga studios, the growing popularity of meditation, and the nonchalant use of the word karma that is somewhat taken for granted.

But what isn't given as much attention is the concept of reincarnation — which is just as profound.

Now I am not worried about whether or not reincarnation is “real” or not. What I am more concerned with is the consequences of holding such a belief and how it plays itself out in the lives of people who hold it.

Ancient Hindu scriptures

In the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu text that presents some of the core beliefs of Hinduism is where I first learned about the idea of reincarnation and pondered how believing in such a…



Daniel Esparza
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Philosophy, Psychology, Spirituality, Mysticism, and other Occult topics.