How Do I Make the Pain Go Away Now?

The most common question people ask me.

Photo by Mario Heller on Unsplash

How Do I Make the Pain Go Away Now?

Welcome to Q&A Saturday where I respond to your questions and comments that you leave in the video comments section.

This viewer understands that symptoms are related to a stressful time, but wants to know what to do to make the pain go away as they work through these mind-body steps.

It’s a common question, so I answered it here in today’s video.

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This video is for information purposes only. It is not medical or chiropractic advice nor does it establish a patient-provider relationship. Enjoy and learn!



Dr. Christine Bradstreet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Editor of Change Your Mind Change Your Life and Success On The Spectrum. I wrote a book to help you be happy. Get yours at