How Exactly Stress Is Harmful to Your Body?

Stress is the body’s defense mechanism, which in excess only begins to harm us

Andy D
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readNov 6, 2021


Source link: Freepik

Morning wakes up is a real problem for you? Do you feel sleepy in the first half of the day and awake in the second half? Perhaps everything annoys you? Congratulations, your cortisol is high.

What Is Cortisol, and How Does It Work?

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It’s also called the “stress hormone” because your organism releases it in response to stress.

In moderate amounts, cortisol is necessary to our body because its primary task is to stabilize body functioning. Elevated cortisol levels carry many dangers. At first, you will be irritable and aggressive, but the worst will come later.

Chronic stress leads to a decrease in hormones (including testosterone). It’s weakening the immune system, also makes an accumulation of fat tissue in women. Chronic stress slowly depletes your body, and this effect is cumulative!

When cortisol levels are high, there is a significant increase in developing dangerous diseases.

The reasons for increased cortisol can be different. It could result from stress because your boss has shown you he also has elevated cortisol levels or other reasons, such as illness. Or you’re simply not following a proper daily routine.

How can you know if you have elevated cortisol?

Symptoms of elevated cortisol are non-specific and can combine with other diseases and disorders. When you take the tests, you’ll know for sure whether you have elevated cortisol.

The symptoms are:

  • insomnia, inability to fall asleep;
  • quick fatigability;
  • irritability, aggressiveness;
  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • accumulation of fatty tissue in the abdominal area.

How Can You Treat Elevated Cortisol Levels?

It would be best if you don’t do self-treatment. If the situation is complex, it’s better to consult a specialist. Another case is if you have only a sleep disorder and nothing else so far. Here you have to try to solve it by yourself.

When cortisol levels are high, it’s advisable to reconsider your lifestyle. It is essential to relax, let go of anxious thoughts, and tune in positively. Meditation, massage, and music for relaxation help well.

Good quality sleep is the best way to lower your cortisol levels.

Sleep in complete darkness and silence. Doctors recommend a healthy rest of at least seven hours a night. You better go to bed before 11:00 p.m. You also need to ventilate the room nicely.

Moderate physical activity will help normalize the hormonal background.

Examples of moderate aerobic activity include brisk walking or swimming, or you can try running or cycling. More significant amounts of exercise will provide even more excellent health benefits.

It’s necessary to reconsider your diet.

You should set your diet so that carbohydrate intake accompanies each meal. Also, it’s essential to drink enough water unless you have contraindications, at least two liters a day.

Such things as adaptogens will also help you.

The theory behind them says they help your body adjust to physical, chemical, or biological stress.

Let’s Summarize

Your body needs cortisol, but too much of it is dangerous for your body and can lead to many problems.

It’s possible to reduce the level of the stress hormone. The methods are pretty simple and obvious, but they work. If you have a question about treating an elevated cortisol level, go to the doctor because you cannot cure it yourself.

Keep your stress hormone levels at an average level and be healthy.

I hope you enjoyed reading this

Andy Demidov

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