How Doing Nothing Helps You Get More Done (It’s Not as Crazy as It Sounds)

Meditation is good for nothing. That’s why I’m encouraging you to do it

Gary Buzzard
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A water lily blooming.
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

If you commit yourself to doing absolutely nothing for a half-hour a day — your life will change for the better. (If you do it.)

I don’t mean to do nothing now and then, like a hobby. I mean, commit yourself to do nothing, seven days a week — 365!

If you do, you’ll enjoy it. Here’s my pitch.

If you meditate daily, you’ll become more confident, improve your concentration, and your creativity will blossom— here’s why.

Meditation is a useless, pointless activity.

Am I trying to ridicule meditation? No. I’m arguing that the value of meditation lies in its uselessness. If you meditate, trying to get some result, you won’t get it.

To receive the benefits from meditation, you must stop trying — at least while on your cushion.

If you sit down and throw yourself into the great universe, the results will come in time. But you’ve got to do one important thing. You’ve got to be an idiot. You’ve got to know nothing.



Gary Buzzard
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I write two times a week on meditation, mindfulness, and aging gracefully—on accepting life, not fighting it. You may email me at