How I Managed to Exercise Daily for a Decade


Ahsan Chaudhry
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

People think and say that I am very self-disciplined, self-motivated and self-everything. I have managed to keep up my routines of early rising, exercise and punctuality for almost all my adult life.

Well, there is nothing like that. I still struggle to adopt new habits like everyone else. So, how do I make people think that I am self-everything?

I am not the normal Joe you come across every day. I am not super fit or ripped but one thing my contemporaries have admired in me that my ability to keep my routine of exercise for more than a decade.

Come to think of it, it is a bit difficult how I managed to keep up this routine for so long. Like everything else, it also has its roots in how it all started.

I was in college and like most boys, I started to go to the gym inspired by muscular actors. I and my friends started during summer vacations. The one and a half-hour of activity in the gym what we called exercise was my highlight of the day.

Obviously, at that time I thought that the best part of this activity is exercise because that’s what we intended to do. But now when I look back to analyze what made me and all of us keep going there day after day, I realize that we were seldom concerned about our gains.

