How I Stopped Smoking After Averaging 12 Cigarettes Per Day

How a chain smoker like me, become a nicotine-free person.

Saurabh Adhane
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Addiction can ruin your life. Smoking at least 12 cigarettes per day was common for me. Trying to be honest, I smoked for thrill and enjoyment. After 3 years, I realized, I was doing something horrible in my life.

Smoking can ruin your life if you are a chain smoker. I couldn't control myself from smoking. I tried but failed.

I was in the hospital for 3 days, when I decided not to smoke. The doctor injected nicotine in my body. I was nothing without nicotine.

I had a smoking routine. I was a chain smoker who couldn't go to the washroom without being smoked. It’s weird to listen but, true. If you are a smoker, then it will be easier for you to relate my situation.

After hospitalization, I smoked again. The doctor told me to reduce my smoking frequency. I used this method to reduce my smoking count from 14 a day to 5 a day.

Smoking can make you inhuman

You lose your consciousness when you get addicted to smoking. I did many mistakes as a smoker. I spent a lot of money to enjoy smoking in 5-star hotels with friends.



Saurabh Adhane
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer and software Engineer also loves photography and solo Travelling