How Learning Astrology Helped Me Achieve My Goals

Ways to discover your life and potential with astrology

Bensu Cangüler
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

At the beginning of 2020, I got to know myself more about life coaching training. I felt compelled to get to know myself because I couldn’t get anywhere with my writing career. It seemed like I had run out of everything to write. I wasn’t even sure if I had talent. I’ve read too many books. I finished 6–7 books a month. But you know the books accompany you to some extent, but you’re alone the rest of the way.

Each guide opens up space just to get to know yourself. What you do as soon as you enter that area is entirely up to you. Until I got acquainted with astrology, I realized that each self-help method offers limited solutions. I had to be at a certain level of consciousness to receive these aids. While you do not love yourself at all, you cannot learn about yourself. To know yourself, look at your life from the bigger picture.

Most of us know astrology as horoscopes, and from time to time we make biased predictions on this subject. I agree with you. There are 12 signs, but billions of people live in the world, right? How can our behavior be alike in a world where not everyone’s fingerprints are the same? They say that Libra is compatible, but I am not like that, and it’s just a generalization that Pisces has watery…



Bensu Cangüler
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Journalism degree writer, Part-time explorer Lifetime learner. Korean and Japanese Culture enthusiast. + more