How Mindfulness Keeps You Calm in a Fearful Crisis

Meditation -> Impermanence -> Non-Reactivity -> Calm

Michael Papas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Alwi Alaydrus on Unsplash

Yesterday, a buddy and I crashed a rowing boat worth $17,000 head-on into a sailor. We’d borrowed the boat from a school rowing club run by a friend, and it wasn’t insured for collisions of this kind. Shit-Show.

I’ve crashed boats before, and when we crashed yesterday was grim as ever. The consequences are dire. A boat I don’t own is out of action because of me and the repair is going to cost a lot of money.

But my reaction to the crash was calm — so calm even I was surprised. And I wasn’t calm because I didn’t care. Quite the opposite — I coached at the club for 5 years, I’m friends with the guy who runs it, and I care about its equipment. After the crash, I was concerned, apologetic, and eager to solve the problem I caused.

Yet I was calm, constructive, and unaffected by the negative emotions that the situation brought on. I knew I had the emotions — I just wasn’t reacting to them.

In the past, crashing a delicate rowing shell brought on despair, regret, and anger. And I had these emotions on this occasion as well. But they weren’t dominant they didn’t determine my response. They were in the background.



Michael Papas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Insights from neuroscience, non-dual mindfulness, and psychedelics to upgrade your awareness. For gigs or just to chat, get me at