How Mindfulness Rescued Me on Our Family Ski Trip to Colorado

Abused on the slopes and abused by my kids.

David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Habbi Helgadóttir on Unsplash

My wife turned fifty last week. Her dream present was a family ski trip to Colorado. I’m not Jewish, but a two-letter word immediately came to mind when she first laid this idea on me a few months ago:


Why? Because I’m not big on skiing. For one, I’m terrible at it. My skis are always way too far apart. Friends and loved ones have said I look like a drunken sailor as I plod my way down the mountain. Worst of all, I always feel like I’m two seconds away from tearing my ACL.

But fifty is a big birthday so I sucked it up and off my wife, three kids, my daughter’s friend and I flew to Denver. A huge plus was we got to spend the week with my best friend from college at his beautiful town house in Winter Park. Major bonus there.

So, what mindfulness challenges arose? Where to begin…

Adventures in ski rentals

Since I led with the skiing, let’s start with that. First up was getting the kids going with ski school. That meant getting up at the crack of dawn in order to get all the rental equipment set.

A quick digression here about an aggravating factor in all this — altitude. We went from sea…



David Gerken
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at