How Shaping Your Environment Can Help You in Your Habits Change Journey

Tweaking the environment is about making the desirable habits a little bit easier and the undesirable habits a little bit harder.

Norah Kisera
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readNov 30, 2022


Photo on Pixabay

We are frequently blind to the power of our environment.

What we often think of as a personality issue is often an environmental problem.

Stop blaming yourself for not sticking to your health goals and instead, check if there is something in your environment that’s making the junk eating habits easy.

In 2000, at the Chicago theatre, Brian Wansink wanted to find out if the environment affected the eating habits of people.

He gave some students popcorn in a medium-sized bucket and others in a large-sized bucket.

He discovered that people eat more when you give them a bigger container.

The solution to mindless eating wasn't to motivate the students into eating less popcorn or holding a carrot and a stick on them. The solution was to shape the size of their bowls.

  • If the gym is located far from where you stay, chances are you may not stick with exercising for long. It is much easier for a habit to stick when the gym is near your home.

