How to Become a High-Value Person

Cast off your old self and take on a new self

Colin Zhang
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


photo by gentality

Having been rejected a few days ago, I’m once again reminded of the low value I place on myself. I told myself never to buy gifts for a girl who only treats me as a friend. I swore I’ll never put her on the pedestal because I understood the dating game. But boy, I don’t really know myself.

I did everything I wasn’t ‘supposed’ to do except confessing my feelings. Hung on her every text, analyzed every word, and ran through all the signs of ‘do not approach.’ Such eagerness and anxiety stem from being a low-value person.

She became my only hope and source of happiness. Talking to her was the highlight of my day. I fantasized about being with her throughout the day. And the worst part? I wasn’t even that in love with her. I just needed someone to save my lonely, empty soul after my breakup a few months ago.

Although rejection is suffocating and I wish I wasn’t so pathetic. It’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on my deep-seated beliefs. I can’t keep living this way — I need to get a freakin life. To do that, I first need to become a high-value person.

But what is a high-value person?

A high-value person summed up

