Personal Development

What Does It Take From Me to Give a Performance on Stage Like Lisa Nichols

How to become a transformational coach

Rakia Ben Sassi
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readJun 26, 2021


A microphone on stage
Image by freestocks-photos from Pixabay

Scene: She stood up on the stage in her yellow dress and looked confidently at the auditorium packed with people waiting to hear her speak. I was sitting on my chair while few members of the audience were sitting on couches.

She started her speech. She was using visual techniques that got our attention. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She took some steps to the right while continuing her talk, then turned to the left. “What does it take to create an abundant life?” She asked, holding a book called “Abundance Now” in her hand.

May I talk about something to do and create for you?” She said with a smile on her face, “I’m a coach, so I’m an action step. I’m an action step person because the prescription for radical success is action.

She leaned forward and added in an affirming softer voice:

The difference between you and the person living their dream is simply… the amount of action.”

I felt her energy, while she was moving purposefully. Then I heard her saying: “I’m not your motivational speaker. I’m your



Rakia Ben Sassi
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Google Developer Expert in Angular, WTM Ambassador, a seasoned software engineer, Content Creator | YouTube: