How to Change Your Mind Gracefully

It’s a superpower

Nihan Kucukural
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A woman in a red dress dancing gracefully on a floating island. Image created on Freepik

I recently shared this thought, and I think it’s worth repeating:

“Your mind is like underwear. If you don’t change it often, it stinks.”

Yes, that’s from me, and it’s proudly displayed on my fridge. :)

You might wonder, “Why should I change my mind? I wouldn’t hold this opinion if I didn’t believe it was right.”

I’m not trying to prove you wrong. I’m saying it’s more advantageous to be flexible enough to change your mind when necessary.

The world is ever-changing. We experience paradigm shifts regularly. We change our minds about small things all the time, and occasionally, about significant matters.

However, as we age, changing our minds becomes challenging due to decreased neuroplasticity. We might find ourselves clinging to outdated opinions, risking obsolescence.

I was a hater as a 10-year-old!

I grew up in Turkey, a country with deeply ingrained xenophobia and homophobia. As a child in the 1980s, I hated Armenians, influenced solely by the actions of the ASALA terror organization that assassinated Turkish diplomats in Europe. They were all monsters in my mind.



Nihan Kucukural
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Turkish copywriter and screenwriter based in New Zealand. I am addicted to stories. I write screenwriting/copywriting advice and occasional funny stuff.