How To Embrace the Power of Silence

Noise pollution has negative health effects, according to science.

Kristina Segarra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


The car honks, the noise of railroads, the hum of traffic, the ambulance sirens. The level of noise we’re exposed to in our daily lives has become alarmingly high. Noise is all around us and it’s become our new norm.

The level of noise is highest in urban areas. As more and more urban areas are getting densely populated, more people will be exposed to the effects of noise pollution. People with the highest noise exposure are those who live in urban as opposed to suburban areas.

We’re justifiably concerned about air and water pollution, but we should be just as concerned about noise pollution. As our lives become more noise-ridden, there comes more and more need to find a respite. As Beth McGroaty, research director at the Global Wellness Institute says,

“Urbanization and an ever-encroaching digital life have spurred a need for sound-free respites.”

The Effect of Noise On Our Physical and Emotional Health

Research has shown that noise exposure can negatively interfere with people’s lives. According to one study, published in the Environmental Health Perspectives journal, it can increase your risk for…



Kristina Segarra
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: