How to Face Family as You Awaken
4 Family Conflicts You Will Face on Your Awakening Journey
Moving through a spiritual awakening is already extremely disorienting without having to deal with other people’s reactions to your process. You’re healing old wounds, shedding ego, and evolving into a new way of being.
Your whole world is disintegrating and reorganizing itself around you, and for a while, you’re not even sure who you are or what you’re here for.
From the outside looking in, it seems crazy. And you don’t know how to explain to anyone that it’s all unfolding mostly out of your control.
Often this leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation. We’ll end up feeling like we have to come out of the spiritual closet, to put what’s happening in context for the people around us so we can still connect to them.
Sometimes this works out, but other times it causes more tension and disharmony than you might want to deal with when you’re already in a fragile state.
No matter what, I’ve found the hardest relationships to navigate are those we’d consider closest to us — the people who have known us the longest and have expectations of how we show up in the world.