How to Get Precisely What You Want in The Next 90 Days

Imagine Your Absolute Ideal Daily

Kurtis Pykes
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image created by author using Midjourney

Most people don’t get what they truly want.

It’s mainly because they’re too scared of losing what they currently have.

They’re more interested in maintaining their current position.

They worry a shitload about what others think about them.

This aligns with Nobel Prize-winning research done by Dr. Daniel Kahneman…

He was able to show that people are extremely terrified of loss.

When you own something, its value increases significantly in your eyes.

There’s also another psychological model that helps us to understand the behavior and motivation of individuals…

It posits that people are either motivated by loss or gain by having an avoid-orientation or an approach-orientation.

Avoid-oriented people want everything to be guaranteed before they take the first step.

They desperately NEED security because they lack the internal freedom to play big.

As a result, they compromise what they TRULY want for what they want to avoid.

