How to Get Where You’re Going Without a Plan

You can succeed even if you’re not organized

George J. Ziogas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


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A friend of mine once confessed to me that they wondered how many hours of their life they’d lost looking for keys, sunglasses, their wallet, and other items they needed when they left the house.

How many of us have similar problems with becoming organized, and truly “having a place for everything, and everything in its place”?

Many people struggle with organizing their homes, their family’s activities, even their careers. But is it possible to succeed without being organized?

It is. And you don’t have to implement somebody else’s idea of “organization” to meet your goals and succeed in life.

Accept your lack of organization

We live in a time when people constantly download organization apps, buy books by Marie Kondo so they can learn how to best fold the contents of their sock drawers, and rely on smartphones and watches to track their every breath, heartbeat, and appointment.

It can feel very lonely for the unorganized person who, at heart, doesn’t really want to spend their time doing any of those things.

You can beat yourself up over that for years, or you can accept that, even if you set up a…



George J. Ziogas
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't |