How to Identify Your Ideal Therapist and Get the Help You Need

The right support can take you a long way

Saumya Gandhi
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Hand of a drowning person coming out of sea
Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

These days it’s getting more common for people to accept that they require professional help for mental health issues.

Thanks to the pandemic, therapy is not a taboo topic anymore.

There are various reasons why someone might choose to take therapy:

  • Relationship issues
  • Acute anxiety or depression
  • Childhood trauma and abuse
  • Confusion and indecisiveness

While many therapists specialize in each of these fields, the challenge is finding the right one.

As I have consulted more than 5 therapists in the last 4 years, there is so much I have learned about therapy and therapists.

So here is an attempt to share all that wisdom through this article.

How to look for an ideal therapist:

In order to find an ideal therapist, the first and most important step is reflection.

Unless you reflect on who you are as a person and why you need therapy, you’ll find it difficult to open up with anyone.



Saumya Gandhi
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A curious explorer. I talk about topics related to health, wellbeing, travel and personal growth.