How to Keep Up With Changing Times

Keep pace with changing times no matter your age…

Rajeev Mudumba
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


How To Keep Up With Changing Times!
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

I may be young or old. It’s all relative, isn’t it?

And, it’s true that I am behind the times in some ways. I may not use Snapchat or Instagram as much and may have never even heard of or care less about Tinder. But, please believe me when I tell you that my generation — the ones who remember what it was like before modern technology — is capable of keeping up with the times better than any generation could ever hope to do!

If you’re old, you probably don’t want to change your ways. You may feel that you have everything figured out and don’t want to be confused by new technology. But if you’re young, there are some things about the older generation that will help you understand them better.

If we look at a recent study by the Pew Research Center, it turns out that seniors (those 65+) are more likely to be conservative than their younger counterparts (ages 18–29). In other words, they believe in the value of tradition and maintaining the status quo.

Meanwhile, younger people tend to have more progressive views on issues like same-sex marriage or marijuana legalization; this means that they tend to favor change over continuity — even when it comes to things as simple as eating dinner at night rather than…

