How to Powerfully Visualize Your Future

A step-by-step guide to the science, spirituality and strategy of visualization

Mark Cutts
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

About to write down my life goals and create my vision board — coffee, pad, pen, and perfectly-curated images of happy-people-on-beaches at the ready — I paused.

Something was a little…off.

My pen hovered, and my coffee grew cold. Those images suddenly seemed wrong. And I had no idea what to write.

What was it I wanted, anyway?

More money? More freedom? Sure. Who doesn’t?

But what specifically did I want to do to achieve those things? What kind of person did I want to become? Did I want to end up on a beach? I kind of hate beaches. Unless I’m surfing, I guess.

I realized I had no way of defining a vision I could head towards: it was all way too vague and generic.

I was about to plan a trip down the wrong river in the wrong boat. Or set out to sea, hoping for the best.

I wanted to head down my river, in my boat. And I wanted a good map.

But how?

Visualization — The Science and the Spirituality



Mark Cutts
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I’m writing & publishing fiction + sharing whatever I know / learn about the courage, vulnerability, and patience needed to create your own life