How to Stop Being a Modern Magpie

Why shiny object syndrome lacks sparkle

Elaine Hilides
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Every time I saw Penny, she was excited about a new project, man or life plan. Her enthusiasm carried me along as she outlined what she would do as I crossed my fingers under the table.

To wish her luck?

Not really, more to hope that she saw this plan to the end. Not just this plan but any plan she came up with.

Because Penny was a serial enthusiast, Or maybe she is a starter? But she is not a finisher because she has Shiny Object Syndrome, SOS.

Fenella, a friend since forever, is also a victim of shiny object syndrome. She couldn’t join an after-school club because the next one might be better, and this pattern has continued throughout her life.

She has had a diverse range of jobs, never staying in one field long enough to make a career. She moves from venue to venue on a night out and can’t choose from a menu; the same happens with boyfriends.

And now she is upset with herself and angry at the opportunities she’s missed by moving on too quickly.

What’s the Problem?

As Penny and Fenella found out, getting distracted by new things means never completing things. Penny has half-finished rooms in her house…



Elaine Hilides
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea.