How to Turn a Challenging Year Into a Meaningful One Before It Ends
Reflections on a year of unexpected changes, surrender, and acceptance
Here I am, facing the epitome of procrastination through an exercise of self-reflection. I scheduled my 2022 yearly review on December 6th, and I’ve been pushing it back on my calendar for three weeks. Until now.
During this time, though, I read others’ articles detailing their annual reviews achievements.
After skimming through a bunch of “How I earned $100K (again) this year by doing X” or “How I reached my first 10K subscribers by only focusing on Z,” I found myself freezing, cringing, and hearing self-loathing echoes in my head: “Everyone made it but me.”
A reaction far from motivating, enriching or insightful.
My second reaction was to leave the desk and go for a long walk — I cannot tell you how many ’long walks’ I’ve taken throughout the second half of this year, but that’s a story for another article.
Three weeks in this state of avoidance, not wanting to face the truth: it’s been a challenging year in areas beyond my business and career endeavors.