How We Get Brainwashed

And Brainwash others

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Peter Schulz on Unsplash

In modern society, we are bombarded with what I have come to call “Regenerating Thought Processes” (RTP) — patterns of contagious cultural information that parasitically passes from one person to another, altering the behavior of those who receive it. Many social scientists have come to call the patterns “memes”. In a sense, an RTP is a form of meme. The question one must ask is “How do these contagious cultural patterns and ideas get passed along?” Described simply, it is enough to say they are passed along much in the way viruses, bacterial infections, and genetic information gets passed along.

RTPs can be blocked in much the same way as these biological models of transference are also blocked. I imagine that to understand this concept further you will need to research how viruses, bacteria, and genes get from one place to another. NT, have the unique ability to resist being infected by RTPs. In addition they are masters at using RTPs to influence others, especially Rogue Tricksters (bad players who manipulate others).

Most people have had their worldview fed to them by governments, religious organization, and the media. The NT has various mechanisms they use to prevent this type of influence from taking hold on them.

The typical person’s worldview was most likely formed in early childhood. Look at your own life. As a child, you were taught about the world as it was seen by adults. You learned what is sacred and profane, and what was important or unimportant for them. With this information, you created a value system that you attempted to live by. Much of how you now see yourself is based on this. If your parents belonged to a specific religious faith or organization, you may have grown up to believe in the tenants of that religion — practicing its rites, rituals, and ceremonies, and accepting its beliefs about God, morality, and what is good or bad. You may have struggled to act in ways that you thought others in this religious group would approve of, rather than saying and doing what you genuinely felt. Now, you may feel disconnected from whatever God or the divine might actually be, yet you still sense that pain of longing.

Initially, an RTP begins when an individual hears another individual offer a dispassionate, often objective account of some actual event or idea. The RTP may also be initiated by a personal experience of some actual event. Examples may include a cultural, historical, or social occurrence.

After someone hears an idea or has an experience they may have some feeling or emotional connection or response concerning this event or idea. Soon this idea will be spread from one individual to another, and finally to a group. This happens organically, and without resistance from insiders. Over time, stories about an event or a discussion about an idea may take place among small groups of individuals with common interests. If it is only an idea, then any facts that may be connected to the idea may or may not be relevant to the RTP process. If it is an event or an occurrence that has historical importance than the actual facts of the event may though initially important, become less so in time.

Over time, any story or series of stories may take on mythic proportions, even becoming factually-based, yet incorrect conspiracy theories. Some of the great mythic tales in the United States include the landing of the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock, Lincoln’s speech at Gettysburg, the assassination that began the First World War, or the legends of John F. Kennedy’s entire presidency. Eventually, if a story is passed on enough times by enough people, it may take on a life of its own. It may become a sacred story, a reality for us and our community, with little connection to the historical events that were the source of the story.

This sacred story or myth, may actually reflect who we are in relation to our community and can reinforce how we see ourselves. Whether this is a positive or negative occurrence can only be determined over time. Now, let’s tie this all to the NT reality.

The most productive RTPs seem to be connected to the historical evolution of the human mind towards survival, reproduction, effectiveness, and self awareness.

Throughout life, we are in relationship with the basic environment — seasonal changes, food sources, local geography, perceived enemies, terrain, and so on. Many RTPs reflect these relationships. Now, in the early 21st century, we are consistently dealing with the expansion of technology, internet-based social networking, the reduction within the general population of critical thinking skills, access to web-based information, and an ever-increasing amount of data that is thrown at us. If we are to survive and prosper we must also learn to deal with the breakdown in traditional divisions between entertainment, journalism, politics, influence peddling, spirituality and the machinations of various religious groups, and faith-based organizations. It is virtually impossible to address and integrate all of these factors in our lives while discriminating and discerning between empowering thought patterns and negative RTPs — what I call “Idea Viruses”. Clearly, technological innovations are a double-edged sword. They can enhance our lives or displace and devalue human culture and human existence.

In times of uncertainty, confusion, and turmoil; when much of what we consider to be “normal” comes under question, we are most susceptible to being easily influenced by group think which is expressed on the most basic level by popular culture.

How can a person remain sane in this environment? It depends on what the specific groupthink is.

Some people want to be part of the club of ordinary thinkers — the status quo. They want to be accepted by the mainstream and fit in with those that do not question much, and are content to simply follow the rules. There are other individuals, however, who are motivated by some internal rebellious streak. These individuals are often critical of, or reject societal beliefs of what is “normal”.

The Takeaway

When Rogue Tricksters choose to be rebellious without any cause, rhyme or reason, which they often do, they may alienate friends and family with their behavior or ideas.

Still even these rebels need a sense of community, for community is an essential human need. These rebels, often without much critical thought may readily accept the beliefs of other radical or rebellious thinkers and groups, whether positive or negative. Such groups may include unconventional artistic subcultures, political activist organizations, street gangs, or dogmatic religious fundamentalist groups.

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Author: Lewis Harrison is a futurist, and professional forecaster. He is the Executive Director of the International Association of Healing Professionals, a philanthropic and educational organization that distributes free life lesson classes, mental health awareness vlogs, prepper guides, and self-improvement programs around the world.

Lewis is also a best-selling author, and former host of a radio show on an NPR affiliated station.

Here is a humorous promo for that show

Lewis created a game theory based Life Strategies Playbook and Mentoring Method which he offers at no charge. He has used this system to move individuals and organizations to the next level. His work in Applied Gamer-Thinking is revolutionary. (Game Theory, the source of his work has won numerous Nobel Prizes).

“Please reach out to me. I want to help you transcend your challenges by helping you to get clear on your intention, and your desired outcome by increasing effectiveness efficiency, precision, productivity, accuracy, and self-awareness”.

You can read all of his Medium stories at

“I am always exploring trends, areas of interest, and solutions to build new stories upon. Again, if you have any ideas you would like me to write about, just email me at or check out all of my books, blogs, and videos through my portal



Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism -