How You Need To Change Your Mind To Change Your Life

David Ferrers
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readSep 1, 2024


Image by ElisaRiva, Pixabay

I think it is only fair to begin by stating that my life has been a journey of self-discovery. I have been obsessed for over fifty years with an unconscious need to understand how to enjoy the experience of being alive,

Notice that I say, “unconscious need to understand” because I have to admit that I didn’t know what I was doing or why I was doing it when I started on my journey of what I initially thought of as self-improvement designed to make me “successful”. My initial motivation was simply an effort to discover how to perform in a way that would improve my status and income.

However, as I learned more about the human condition and practised some of what I was learning about improving my performance, I was compelled to study more widely and deeply. My search for self-understanding became an obsession which produced significant rewards.

The duality of human beings

It took me a while to understand that the mind and emotions are two parts of the one whole that we view as ourselves. If you view your mind as being in your head and your emotions as being in your body, you can see that both are parts of the one being that is you.

Which is more important? The standard modern view is that the mind is dominant. This is supported by the…



David Ferrers
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I have coached over 1,000 people and I write about how Zen can empower your life, add meaning, happiness and prosperity