How Your Childhood Affects Your Love Style

Our childhood affects us in more ways than we think

Evans Okoro
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

How we react to things. Our self-beliefs. How we express ourselves is all formed as early as we can make sense of our environment. Based on our upbringing, we have various love styles. Here are five of them:

The Pleaser

These ones grew up around critical and overprotective parents. They grow up trying to be good and on their best behavior to not provoke their parents. They never receive comfort but always try to comfort the reactive parent.

Pleasers can’t handle conflict and may be dishonest to avoid confrontation. Once pleasers feel like they’re letting their partners down, they have a breakdown and flee from the relationship. They spread themselves thin trying to please everyone — even when it’s unrealistic.

For pleasers to build a healthy relationship, they have to be honest about their feelings. And create boundaries rather than doing what everyone expects.

The Victim

The victims grow up in a chaotic home. They are compliant by doing everything possible to take away attention from themselves. They build an imaginary world in their heads to cope with the danger they grew up in.

