I Am a People Pleaser

And I Am Perfectly Ok With It

Melanie J.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Is it ever ok to become a people pleaser? Being a people pleaser is tied to such a negative stigma, but does it have to be? When we think of the phrase people pleaser, we automatically think of someone who needs to be validated by those around them. Someone whose happiness is based on the feelings they gain from pleasing others. Therefore, their time is spent fulfilling unnecessary and exhausting favors or demands. They are considered to have a low self-esteem and no sense of self.

So, with all that negativity connected with people pleasing, why am I ok with being a people pleaser? Hear me out.

I embrace being a people pleaser because at this stage in my life, the only person I am pleasing is myself. Oh, did you think I was trying to get validated by someone else? Nah, I am way passed that point in my life. My happiness has become a choice and it is based on what I feel within. No longer am I depending on others to dictate what happiness means to me.

And as far as a sense of self and my self-esteem, the amount of self-love I practice each day has built my self-esteem, and has given me the self-identity that I need.

