I Am There for You!

The world needs more of this.

Sadhana G
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readJun 17, 2020


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

After the advent of Co-Vid, everything has become uncertain in life.

Although, unlocking is happening in different phases across various countries, the virus has ceased to exist.

Uncertainties will continue to be a way of life for until a very long time from now. But we can overcome it by waddling through the Co-Vid tsunami and come out as a warrior.

Mental health is the most talked about topic during these uncertain times. There are different people coping up with different struggles in their families. Loss of loved ones to this terrible virus, some silently suffering from abuse, some feeling let down by others and not able to seek help financially etc.

So, what can we possibly have, that we can offer that everybody is in much need of, these days?

A mask? Yes, that’s a physical essential requirement though. Here, I am talking about a real emotional substance which everyone can donate to anybody around generously.

It is simple words of comfort and support.

Do you know the power of a simple sentence, ’I am there for you’?

Words matter in these difficult times. Even, if you are not able to be physically present to really make those words matter to somebody in your life, just a soulful rendition of these strong words will have a great impact on the listener.

There are various sets of problems for each person on this planet. But the phrase of ‘I am there for you’ is a universal solution for any problematic set. It is like a foundation pillar that anyone can cling onto at anytime.

Other similar phrases like ‘I hear you’, ‘I understand what you are going through’, ‘We are in this together’ are all like-minded sentences which can offer any one the biggest solace and relief through all rough tides. But the problem is, we do not hear it from some people. So what can we do about it?

Lower the expectation and instead, think about the difference that you can make in the lives of others by lending them a helping hand to pull them out through their emotionally challenging times.

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash

Everyone’s moral support bank can be the biggest source of interest-free offering to anybody looking for a respite during tough times. Also, when one feels down or neglected, their self esteem my stoop down to dangerously low levels which might lead to more negative thought conundrums.

In order to stomp such thoughts away, one must not shy away to vent out to others, not necessarily therapists, even close friends and family can help these people with the simple powerful words, ‘I am there for you’.

And trust me, that might simply pull them back from the verge of their problems to realise that they are being valued by this close one in life and that they will be assured that no matter what happens, there is always this person who’s looking out for them which would calm them during the distressed times.

As Deborah Day had quoted, “Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. For we are connected, one and all.”

Everyone’s mental health should be valued. It is an undermined topic. But we must educate people around to take it seriously. And remember to use the phrase ‘I am there for you’ generously to everyone around you, who might need to just hear it to fight bravely through any tough situation in life.



Sadhana G
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Ambition- Content creation. Guitar enthusiast. Instagram horcrux is sadhu92. Freelancer awaiting for a gig at https://www.fiverr.com/share/odw3AX