Member-only story
I Broke My Gossiping Habit With These Four Rules
Here’s how watching the way I talk about others changed my life and relationships
I never realized how much gossip affected my life until I tried to cut it out entirely. Like an addict getting rid of their stash or an alcoholic driving the long way home to avoid the bar, I started trying to steer clear of my poison of choice.
But time and time again, I’ve realized that it’s everywhere.
Often disguised as “catching up” or just “getting something off your chest,” gossip, or telling unfavorable or interesting things about parties not present, feels as common as the trees around us.
“If we all said to people’s faces what we say behind one another’s backs, society would be impossible.“ — Honoré de Balzac
This year, I’ll be entering into a new role as the apprentice to the campus minister at my college ministry. I’ll be almost single-handedly responsible for our girls’ ministry and will meet weekly with our interns, student leaders, and students.
In these meetings, we’ll talk about their lives, their spiritual growth, and just what’s going on around them. And with so many connections between them all…