
I Created My 2024 Vision Board in October 2023

Embracing Early Intentions and Bringing Dreams to Life

Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image from Pinterest

Well, friends, I did it!

I finally sat down and created my very first vision board, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer.

Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Isn’t it a bit early to be setting goals for 2024 when it’s still October 2023?”

But here’s the thing: I’m not big on waiting for the New Year to make changes in my life.

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I’m all about seizing the moment, and October just felt like the right time to get started on this journey of self-improvement.

I’d seen and heard about vision boards for years, but I’d always been a bit skeptical.

Could pasting a bunch of pictures and words onto a board really make a difference in my life?

Well, I decided to put my doubts aside and give it a shot.

After all, what did I have to lose?

First things first, I gathered my supplies.

A corkboard, a stack of magazines, scissors, glue, and a big cup of tea.

I spread out all those magazines on the floor, like a kid in a candy store, and began flipping through them.

It was like going on a treasure hunt for images and words that spoke to me.

I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking for at first, but as I sifted through the pages, certain words and pictures just seemed to jump out at me.

I cut out images of places I wanted to travel to, inspirational quotes, and pictures of people who embodied the kind of life I wanted to live.

There were stunning landscapes, cozy homes, and people with smiles that could light up a room.

I even found a picture of a yoga pose I wanted to master because, well, balance is key, right?

As I arranged the cutouts on my corkboard, I realized something: creating a vision board isn’t just about setting goals; it’s about expressing your desires, dreams, and aspirations visually.

It’s like a glimpse into your own soul. My board began to take shape, and it was a colorful collage of my hopes and dreams.

Now, you might wonder why I chose October to embark on this vision board adventure.

The truth is, I didn’t want to wait for the New Year’s resolutions crowd.

I didn’t want to be in that “I’ll start on January 1st” mindset.

October felt like the perfect time to take action.

There’s something refreshing about setting intentions and visualizing your goals when everyone else is still wrapped up in pumpkin spice lattes and Halloween costumes.

Creating this vision board has brought a new sense of clarity and purpose into my life.

I see it every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed.

It’s a reminder of the life I’m working toward, and it’s holding me accountable to make it happen.

So, here I am, two months ahead of the New Year, with my vision board in full view, ready to make my dreams a reality.

It’s a reminder that it’s never too early, or too late, to start working on yourself and the life you want to lead.

If you haven’t tried making a vision board yet, why wait?

Grab some magazines, a corkboard, and start pasting your dreams together today. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

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