I Hope I Never Meet the Man of My Dreams

Aisling Kealahan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
7 min readJan 30, 2020


Photo by Roberto Nickson, Unsplash

I heard it all the time.

“She’s so independent.”

It was probably the most common phrase used to describe me as a child.

Then again, it’s kind of hard not to be independent when you can’t depend on anyone but yourself.

Eventually, though, that independence borne of necessity turned into something else: a fear of rejection? A fear of commitment? Maybe it was just good old-fashioned stubbornness.

It all started after “the breakup.”

Yes, it’s worthy of quotes.

We were never married or anything. There were no children involved or any other significant stakes, save for a black and white Abyssinian guinea pig named Cheeks. But the circumstances surrounding the breakup…and the effects of it… Historic.

But that’s another story.

I’ve always been conscientious when it comes to men. My friends might say “fussy,” but I prefer “conscientious.” Personally, I think that’s a good thing! I think it says a lot about my standards. I don’t settle.

I won’t settle.

As a result, I was 20 years old by the time I entered my first relationship — by the time I had my first real kiss, my first real everything. It was one of the few things in life…



Aisling Kealahan
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Always believing... usually strong... Sharing a little piece of myself with the world and trying to make waves. Email: aisling.kealahan@gmail.com