I Spent 9 Days Meditating at the Kopan Monastery In Nepal

Here is what I learned.

Wellbeing with Guna
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Panorama view to the Kopan garden

This September, I fulfilled one of my dreams of studying meditation at the Kopan monastery in Nepal. I had this thought that I wanted to go for about two years, and finally, it came true. On top of that, it was my first solo travel to Asia. While I was initially very hesitant to go on my own, I found a sudden inner sense of capability. It seemed that the universe just kept sending me signs that it was a good moment to go, so I did.

For me personally, gaining an integrative worldview and spiritual knowledge has always been a big life goal of mine. Therefore, I felt that this travel had a very important personal significance to me. It meant a lot to me, and I felt that once the retreat was over. I got emotional to the point of crying. I had found a sense of home and purpose, which was difficult to lose. It was very emotionally moving to meet so many people with similar interests in spirituality and meditation. A truly special feeling.

Kopan monastery garden

Light of Path Retreat

Light of Path retreat was an intensive retreat that started at 5:30 a.m. and ended at 8:30 p.m. I…



Wellbeing with Guna
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

❀ Personal stories about holistic health, meditation and travel ❀