I Was Challenged to Stop Drinking Coffee for 90 Days — This Is What Happened

I’m never going back again.

Nimisha Gorasia
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels

It’s not your fault, is it?

The coffee addiction.

Three quarters of American adults drink coffee at least once a week, making it the most widely consumed beverage in the United States.

It’s easy to understand why so many people rely on coffee:

  • It provides us with a caffeine boost in the morning
  • Helps us stay alert and focused
  • Makes us feel more energised throughout our day.

But what happens when we stop drinking coffee?

How exactly do our bodies react during this short detox period?

How long does it last?

And what are some ways that we can help make this transition easier?

The world’s most popular drug is coffee. It ranks in the ‘Top 10' most traded commodity in the world.

Coffee, more than anything else in our daily lives, is an experience shared between us.

Coffee is the common thread that ties us together.

