I Was Surrounded by Young Sleepy Auditors on a Friday Evening. Frankly, I’m Shocked.

I wish I was kidding. Like, really.

Aldric Chen
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A young lady sleeping on her laptop.
Well… Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

Imagine my shock.

I was in a client meeting on a Thursday afternoon. It was an intense discussion. A $2 million contract was on the line. We were closing in.

And then, I received a meeting invite from Adrian, who introduced himself as our company’s auditor.

Sensing something serious, I clicked on the email pop-up.

It was a meeting invitation for Friday evening, 8 pm.

At that instant, I was besieged by question marks.

What happened?

Confused & Besieged

I forwarded the invitation to my team.

Of course, that meeting was for Friday after working hours. I would hear no end from Isabelle, the Gen Z in my team, and the younger ones if I insist on their attendance.

So, I mentioned nothing about attendance.

Instead, I asked them to check with the auditor for the agenda. I would be stuck in this client pitch for another 2 hours.

Dora came to me when I was back in the office.



Aldric Chen
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.