If You Worry That You’re Not in Control, You’re Right

Do you fall for the illusion of control?

Elaine Hilides
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Person standing of stack of plates
Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

Years ago, I thought things should be how I believed they should be. I was forever trying to squash squishy bodies into the shape I decided they should be. Square pegs and all that.

I remember calling my teenage daughter when she was out with friends and screaming at her to come home and redo a task I’d asked of her. I’d asked her to hang out washing while I was at work, and it wasn’t done as I thought it should be. Mind you, she had draped a jumper over a standard lampshade, so I was mad but not entirely crazy.

I didn’t see that my need to control was because my life felt out of control.

Years later, I assisted in personal development training. One of my jobs was to bring everyone back from a break, ready for the next session.

No sooner had I shepherded one group towards the room than one of them broke away to have a last word with a friend, and I’d have to double back to round that one up and the people they were talking to.

It was like herding cats.

And it felt like a metaphor for life: when you try to control one area, another area slips out of your control, and you rush around trying to make the pieces fit.



Elaine Hilides
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea. elainehilides.com