The Infinite Universe Series

This is the Reason Why “Infinity” Requires “Free Will”

[Updated July 4, 2022] Does “free will” actually exist, or is everything predetermined by a hidden Matrix?

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
30 min readMar 20, 2021


by Marcelo Quinan

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article here.


[1] What is “Free Will”?
— [1.1] “Does Free Will Exist or is Everything Predetermined?”
[2] 6 “No Free Will” Perspectives

— [2.1] The Universe is a Matrix with No Free Will (Only Source/God/The Creator has Free Will)
— [2.2] The 3D Matrix has No Free Will (but Dimensions/Beings Higher than 3D have Free Will)
— [2.3] The Cause & Effect Universe (a mostly Non-Spiritual view)
— [2.4] The Universe is Random & Meaningless (Nihilism & Radical Nondualism)
— [2.5] Our Autopilot Ego has No Free Will (but our Thinking Mind does)
— [2.6] Free Will is Relative (a Jury will Decide)
[3] Spiritual Relativity — “Yes, We have Free Will” & Sometimes We Don’t
— [3.1] Free Will in Different Stages of Awakening: (1) Unity Consciousness; (2) Radical Nonduality Witnessing; (3) God Consciousness
[4] “Yes, We have Free Will”, and the Matrix Exists
— [4.1] Is Reality an Open or Closed System?
— [4.2] Infinity & an Unlimited Matrix
[5] “Infinite Universe” Responses to the 6 “No Free Will”



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)